Supplying Artwork
Tips on supplying artwork in the correct format for your print job
If you have a general creative idea for your print job our designers should be able to use this to arrive at a finished design. You may email or post your general design ideas in any common file type or as a hard copy. However, if you want us to work directly from your design then it needs to be in one of the following formats – we cannot work directly from designs created in Word, Excel, PowerPoint or Publisher:
PDF file – we ask that you send PDF files that have been saved to a high resolution (300 dpi) with font embedding set to embed all fonts with colour and greyscale compressed to 300 dpi.
Adobe Indesign – making sure that pictures and fonts used in the design are put into a separate folder using the function called “package”. If e-mailed all files should be zipped.
Quark Xpress – making sure that pictures and fonts used in the design are put into a separate folder using the function called “collect for output”. If e-mailed all files should be zipped.
Photoshop – make sure that your design is done with a resolution of 300 dpi.
Cutting and artwork bleed – make sure that there is a minimum of 3 mm around your design to allow for cutting and artwork bleed.